Episode 107: Coach Mark Richt: Make The Call

Fall is just around the corner. Leaves are changing. Grills are being fired up. That can only mean one thing. It’s time for football! This week's Candid Conversations guest is a fan favorite around here—Coach Mark Richt.

Coach Richt played football at Miami and coached at some of the top football schools in the Southeast, including Florida State, the University of Georgia, and the University of Miami. He was a three-time Coach of the Year and led his teams to two SEC Championships, five SEC division titles, and one ACC division title. Most importantly, he has impacted countless young men for Christ by coaching and mentoring his players not only in how to play great football, but also how to be better leaders in their homes, careers, and as Christ followers.

Join us today as we talk football, his journey to faith, his passion for the younger generation, the setbacks he’s endured, and his new book, Make the Call: Game Day Wisdom for Life’s Defining Moments.

Make the Call  releases today. Get your copy now.

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