Episode 158: Choosing Calling Over Career: Rocky Seto

As we walk closely with Christ, there will be times when we have to choose between the calling God has put on our lives and something else like a relationship, a friendship, family, or our career choices. 

Can you imagine being at the top of an illustrious career when God asks you to leave it for vocational ministry? When most people would revel in the success and stay to move up to their dream position, today's Candid Conversations guest chose to follow the call of God on his life to serve Christ and His church in pastoral ministry.

Rocky Seto, former Seattle Seahawks assistant head coach, talks with Jonathan about his journey to football, his salvation, and his rise in coaching from college to the NFL. Rocky gets candid about his struggles and the deep calling to serve Christ and His church in pastoral ministry. 

You don't want to miss this episode. It is a beautiful reminder of God's goodness when we delight in Him and are faithful to live out the calling He places on our lives.

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