Global Work
Jesus Is the Answer
Mar 16, 2015
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It seems that every week, we hear another heartbreaking story of young people who are unexpectedly leaving everything behind to join ISIS. Through edgy videos and a strategic social media presence, ISIS' goals are very clear: they are intentionally targeting young people.

In praying and planning for 2015, one of Leading The Way's goals for the new year was to create  more content for children and teens through THE KINGDOM SAT, the ministry's satellite channel broadcasting the Gospel deep into the Muslim world. As Islamic extremists continue to target young audiences, it is imperative that we also be intentional about sharing the hope of Christ with the same people extremists are attempting to radicalize and manipulate.

"Jesus Is the Answer" is one example of the content THE KINGDOM SAT is airing. The lyrics of this powerful Tunisian song, some of which you can read below, were intended by the songwriter to serve a dual purpose:

  1. To reach the lost who may be going through a difficult time.
  2. To encourage Christians, specifically former Muslims who have converted to Christianity and are experiencing persecution, alienation, or loneliness because of their faith.

While the message itself is impactful for listeners of any age, the song style will resonate most with young audiences.

Jesus is the answer

Jesus is the hope
You, who want to commit suicide
Feel that your spirit is below zero
You wish to get into a tomb (to die)
He is the Way, The Truth and the Life
He was crucified and died for you
He was raised from the dead to give you life
You, who are poor in spirit, desperate and sad
You, who are dismayed and have no hope
Jesus is extending His hands to you
You, who found all doors locked before you
Where you go, you get insulted and humiliated
You look alive while you are dead
You look covered up but in fact you are naked
You feel that you are not a human being any more
You, who are lost and burdened
You, who get all kinds of blame
You, who feel subjugated and oppressed
The Lord tells you, "Stand up now! Stand up now!"
You maybe lived your life in hiding
Satan may deceive you and say,
"Too late. With me you will live. Without me you find death."
My Lord tells you, "I am here. I exist"

"As Islamic extremists continue to target young audiences, it is imperative that we also be intentional about sharing the hope of Christ with the same people extremists are attempting to radicalize."

Please pray with us that God will use this video to minister to young audiences who are in desperate need of the hope that only Christ can bring.