Global Work
Saudi Convert Featured on THE KINGDOM SAT
Apr 13, 2015
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Last month, Leading The Way's 24/7 satellite television channel, THE KINGDOM SAT, launched a new program called "Behind the Dunes" featuring teachings from a Saudi Arabian convert. This is a significant milestone, as Brother Al Fadi is the first Christian with a Muslim background who will be a featured Bible teacher on THE KINGDOM SAT.

"The juxtaposition of a man in traditional Saudi dress, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and sharing about his experiences as a former Muslim is a powerful image that we pray will resonate with Muslim audiences."

Dressed in traditional Saudi clothing, Brother Al Fadi formerly a Wahhabi Muslim, the most extreme branch of Sunni Islam uses his experiences as a platform to share the Gospel, contrasting the teachings of the Qur'an with the teachings of the Bible.

"When I came [to Christ], I brought all of my Islamic thinking," he says in the first episode of the program. "I wanted to know how to please Christ through prayers and fasting, living the way I am supposed to in terms of worship, rituals, and traditions. But I found out eventually that Christ gave me freedom. These shackles were broken. All that is required of me is to be His servant alone."

The juxtaposition of a man in traditional Saudi dress, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and sharing about his experiences as a former Muslim is a powerful image that we pray will resonate with Muslim audiences.

Broadcasting content from a Saudi convert is a step of faith for Leading The Way in reaching Muslims for Christ but it is not without risks, as conversion from Islam to Christianity is forbidden in Saudi Arabia. Here are three ways you can pray for THE KINGDOM SAT and the new "Behind the Dunes" program:

  • Pray for God to use this program as an effective ministry tool for our Muslim viewers. Pray for many to find Christ through this program.
  • Pray for God to use this program to provide Biblical guidance for new converts who need Biblical guidance as they walk out their faith in Muslim countries.
  • Pray for God's shield of protection to cover THE KINGDOM SAT programs, viewers, and follow-up teams.

Have you ever wondered what a KINGDOM SAT broadcast is like? You can watch the live stream of Leading The Way's satellite television channel here.