Global Work
Pray for THE KINGDOM SAT's Easter Broadcasts
Apr 25, 2016
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This week marks Holy Week in the Arab world. As Christians in the Middle East and North Africa reflect on Christ's death and resurrection, Leading The Way's satellite TV channel THE KINGDOM SAT will be airing Easter programs and a powerful Christ-centered film, The Savior. Please pray:

  • For God to use these programs to seek and save the lost, opening the eyes of Muslim audiences to see Jesus for who He truly is—God in the flesh, and not just a prophet
  • For THE KINGDOM SAT's Easter programs to communicate the Gospel with clarity
  • For the Holy Spirit to minister, transforming hearts and impacting lives for eternity
  • For Christians to be encouraged in their faith and embolded to share the Good News with others, even at risk of persecution

"Please pray for THE KINGDOM SAT's Easter programs to communicate the Gospel with clarity."

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You that the harvest is ripe (Luke 10:2). Thank You that the seeds of Truth sown through THE KINGDOM SAT will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). Lord, use these broadcasts to draw the lost to salvation in Christ. Speak through these programs so that all those watching will respond wholeheartedly to the Good News. Use these programs to build Your church, Lord, and demonstrate the true lordship of Christ to the Muslim world. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.