Global Work
From the Frontlines: From Islam to Christ
By Ash, Leading The Way's North American Arabic Follow-up Coordinator
Aug 8, 2016

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From the moment someone first contacts us, we join them on a journey. For those who are ready to give their lives to Christ, it could take as little as one phone call or only a week of conversation until they make a decision to follow Christ. For others, it takes years.

For a Muslim, the process of coming to Christ can be a crisis of identity.

A new convert from Islam faces so many challenges. As a follow-up coordinator, you must first help him understand what it means to be a Christian. You need to help him figure out how to interact with his community and his family. You need to help him figure out how to read the Bible. You need to help him prepare for the persecution that might come once his family learns about his conversion. Everything is new.

For a Muslim, the process of coming to Christ can be a crisis of identity. When you become a Christian you are choosing God over your family, friends, and even your own nation. Through this difficult journey, a convert needs a lot of encouragement and people to pray with and study the Bible with. Those who don’t have this kind of support are more likely to turn back to Islam. That’s why our discipleship work as follow-up coordinators is so important. Will you pray for Leading The Way’s on-the-ground follow-up teams as we continue to walk alongside these new brothers and sisters in Christ?

“Thank you so much for your help. I have received the Bible you sent. Please pray for me that I will grow stronger in my faith, follow Jesus, and not be afraid to live for Him.” –ALGERIA