Global Work
A World-Changing Opportunity
Nov 11, 2016
adspace open door


With only days left until national elections, many friends like you have told me that you feel uncertain about our nation and its future. Our broken world seems lost and headed for destruction. 

Without the hope of the Gospel, we would have good reason to despair. But as citizens of heaven, our future does not rise and fall based on the political well-being of our earthly nation. At this critical moment, we need to remember that we are citizens of another Kingdom, called by God to shine His light into this dark and broken world.

This is what you are doing as you support the ministry of Leading The Way. Through your partnership, God is reaching into the hard-to-reach places of the world, going after the lost, and strengthening His children in the Truth.

I am thankful to God that He has given us partners who understand the challenges of the times in which we live — difficult and severe as they may be. God-given friends and supporters like you understand that the only answer to the challenges we face is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Today, He is providing incredible opportunities for us that could change the world as we know it for the sake of the Gospel. The Navigator is one of these open doors.

Man and woman holding Navigator

For each Navigator distributed, roughly 10 people have the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Right now, there are billions who have not even heard the message of the hope we have in Christ. There are remote areas of the world where satellite and radio signals cannot reach. High illiteracy rates in rural areas also prevent people from reading God’s Word. They desperately need to hear the Good News of the Savior — and the Navigator is bringing the Good News to them. 

  • Desperate for the Word of God, a blind man used to call out for passersby to read him just a few words from the Bible. When he received a Navigator, he burst into tears. Finally, he had a Bible he could listen to at any time.
  • A devout Muslim living in a poor gypsy community in Albania listened to the Word of God for the first time on a Navigator. He was moved by the Gospel — and gave his life to Christ.

Solar-powered, loaded with the audio Bible, and equipped with Biblical teaching in their heart language, the Navigator is reaching the unreached. In fact, for each device distributed, roughly 10 people have the opportunity to hear the Gospel

But many more still have little or no access to the Good News. A distribution partner in India told us, “We have a limited number of Navigators available. I feel like that little boy in the Gospel story ... I have five loaves and two fish and I am staring at a multitude.”

Will you join Leading The Way in bringing the Good News of Jesus to remote regions like this Indian village? Your gift this month will help us continue to advance the Kingdom of God — making the Gospel accessible in the far corners of the world.

Because of your love and generosity, the Good News of Christ’s love is reaching the unreached, healing the broken, and captivating the lost. Jesus is saying, “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (Revelation 3:8). By His grace and full of His power, we will walk through this open door together.  

In Christ,

Michael Youssef, Ph.D.