Global Work
A Movement of God Is Happening Among Muslims—and You're a Part of It
Aug 6, 2018
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In the Middle East and North Africa, more than nine out of ten people are Muslim.

It's an incredible number—and one that most experts assume will rise with increasing persecution and political instability. Yet, right now, more Muslims are leaving Islam and coming to Christ than ever before. In fact, more Muslims have put their faith in Jesus in the past 15 years than in the last 14 centuries.

Right now, more Muslims are leaving Islam and coming to Christ than ever before.

In the midst of this exciting movement of God, Leading The Way is ministering on the frontlines.
Through the teaching programs of our 24/7 TV channel THE KINGDOM SAT, the Gospel is going forth in more than 12 nations ruled by Islam—and people are responding.

Our ministry to the Arabic speaking world is not limited only to the Middle East. Here in the United States, Arabic is now the fastest growing language—and our team is working diligently to reach Muslims here at home with the Gospel.

God is drawing the lost to faith in Christ. And as a praying and giving partner with us, you are a critical part of this movement.

This is the eternal impact of your gifts:

"Despite being a conservative Muslim, Jesus knocked at my heart's door and touched me." — LOCATION UNKNOWN

"I came to Christ through your channel." — ALGERIA

"I am a convert [from Islam] and a disciple of God. I came to know Christ through your programs. Thank you for taking the time to respond to me and answer my many questions. This helped me to know the true God." — SUDAN

"I converted from childhood Christianity to Islam five years ago. . . . My conversion to Islam was very emotional. Now I want to find the facts. Thank God, I am enlightened and searching today! I want to boldly follow the Truth." — UNITED STATES

"Thanks for answering my questions, for sending me the Bible, and connecting me to a church." — IRAQ

"I am a new believer from a Muslim background. I watch your channel. It helped me face difficult times and challenges and helped me to grow in my knowledge of Christ." — EGYPT

Jesus is at work in the hearts of millions of Muslims around the world. All glory to God!

Learn more about Leading The Way's ministry to Muslims around the world.