Global Work
Reaching the Next Generation: Susi, Bagus, & Dona—Indonesia
Oct 1, 2018
how to read bible 25


Imagine growing up in a Muslim home in the world's largest Muslim nation. How would you come to Christ or even hear about Jesus? For three children in Indonesia, the answer has come in the form of Leading The Way's solar-powered Navigator.

"I got this Navigator before I knew about Jesus the Messiah," says Susi, one of three children who recently accepted Christ after listening to the Navigator. "I was curious, so I began listening to it alone. I brought it into my room and kept listening to it until I fell asleep." Susi and her classmates Bagus and Dona attend Kaliwesi Children Center, a school in one of the poorest villages in the country. Founded and led by Christians, the school is using Leading The Way's solar-powered Navigator audio devices—loaded with Dr. Youssef's teachings, the Bible, and worship songs in the local language—to reach the next generation for Christ.

"I kept asking, 'Who is the real God that I should be glorifying in this world?' Now, thanks to the Navigator, I have found Him.'"


Like Susi, Bagus also came to Christ after listening to the Navigator in secret. "After I turned on the Navigator, I began listening and realized—these are Christian songs and Bible teachings! At first, I felt unsure about the programs, because I had never heard these things before. But after hearing them a few times, my heart began to feel so happy. Now, I always listen to the Navigator when I go to bed at night."

Being able to listen to the Navigator without drawing unnecessary attention to themselves is critical for the safety of these young ones. Their families do not know Christ, and they could face severe consequences if their new faith is discovered.

"I was born into a Muslim family, and I always used to pray and do everything I could to follow that religion. But still, I felt confused," says Dona. "I kept asking, 'Who is the real God that I should be glorifying in this world?' Now, thanks to the Navigator, I have found Him. I feel very happy because I have found what I was looking for."

Please pray for Dona, Bagus, and Susi. The testimony of their courage and faith is already inspiring and blessing many, and they are praying that their families will also come to Christ.

"In May 2017, I was baptized," says Susi. "I felt so proud and happy because I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Now, I have a longing for all my family to be saved. I hope they can all receive grace and mercy from God as I have. I truly believe that if I can be saved, my whole family can be as well."

People all over the world are being blessed by Dr. Youssef's sermons through the Navigator. God is at work, drawing the lost to salvation in His Son. We pray you will continue to partner with us as we leverage every possible form of technology to reach the lost for His glory!

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