Christian Living
Exercise: What Is Your Ebenezer?
Nov 1, 2018
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Take some time to pray and think of all the different ways God has come through for you—from your salvation to that obstacle overcome to that impossible prayer answered. Whether it was when you didn't get the promotion, when you lost someone close to you, or when the prayer you'd been praying for years was finally answered, He was there for you.

Take some time to pray and think of all the different ways God has come through for you.


Grab a notebook and write down the many ways God has demonstrated His faithfulness in your life. Begin your note with "Thus far the Lord has helped me . . ."

Then, post it on your fridge, mirror, or wherever will best help you see it regularly. This note will serve as a constant reminder of the faithfulness and steadiness of the God of the universe, who knit you together in your mother's womb and numbers the hairs on your head (see Psalm 139:13 and Luke 12:7).

Remember: He who has done these marvelous things in your life will be faithful to bring you through today, tomorrow, and into eternity!

Share your prayer requests with us.