Ask Dr. Youssef
Ask Dr. Youssef: "How can we effectively witness to Muslims if we don't know a lot about Islam?"
Feb 2, 2019
hftpc 23



"How can we effectively witness to Muslims even if we don't know a lot about Islam?"

"Only God the Holy Spirit can open blind eyes so that people can see that they are sinners in need of a Savior."



Learning about Islam is good; it's important to be informed—but let me assure you that the power of witnessing is in the person of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus said, "When I am lifted up . . . [I] will draw all people to myself" (John 12:32). When you share with a Muslim—or anybody for that matter—how you as a sinner were forgiven of all of your sins and assured of eternal life because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that is the power of the Gospel. 

Therefore, you don't have to have a lot of knowledge to be able to say, like the man in John 9:25, "I was blind but now I see!" Then, let God do the rest, because only God the Holy Spirit can change the heart. Only God the Holy Spirit can open blind eyes so that people can see that they are sinners in need of a Savior. So share Christ unashamedly, without hesitation, and let God do the rest.