"The Lord Was on My Case": Michelle's Story
Sep 1, 2019

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Even when we've taken matters into our own hands, God is gracious to forgive us and lead us back to Himself.

I've been wanting to write to you for a long time to thank you.

"I stopped the car and cried like I'd never cried before, asking the Lord's forgiveness."


I'm 32 years old and have been a Christian all my life. I'm lucky to have been brought up in a strong Christian family. But during my late 20s, I stopped trusting the Lord in the area of relationships. I was so lonely that I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I met a wonderful man who wasn't a Christian. I convinced myself that it wasn't a big deal to date a non-Christian and convinced myself that it was okay to have sex outside of marriage. I knew what I was doing was outside of God's will, but I kept trying to justify it.

About four years into my relationship with this man, I started to listen to you on the radio on my way to work. In one particular message, you talked about sexual impurity and being unequally yoked, and it was like a lightning bolt. I stopped the car and cried like I'd never cried before, asking the Lord's forgiveness.

It took me another nine months to build up the courage to end things with my boyfriend—and it has been four months since I took a stand and placed the Lord first. I know that there were countless people praying for me, and I know that the Lord was on my case, but I just want to thank you for speaking the truth—for not compromising. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

How has God worked in your life? We want to hear your testimony!