Global Work
5 Steps from Darkness to Light: A Muslim’s Journey to Faith
Oct 1, 2019

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For people living in closed countries, the journey to Christ can be daunting and even dangerous—and it usually includes five steps, as illustrated by these real-life testimonies from viewers of THE KINGDOM SAT.

Young Arab man

Through your partnership, viewers in the Middle East are finding the support they need to count the cost and pursue Christ with their whole heart.


  1. Question their cultural and religious heritage:

“When the war started in Yemen, I woke up to the reality of Islam. The Quran urges Muslims to kill. . . . This cannot be from God.”

  1. Search for the Truth:

“I heard people [on your channel] speak in a loving way. They were sharing about Jesus. Something in me felt that Christ is the Truth.”

  1. Count the cost:

“Since I confessed that Christ is my Lord, . . . I went through very hard circumstances. With all this persecution, I still want to declare my faith in my Savior.”

  1. Cross the line:

“After faithfully following your programs, I am now certain that the Lord Jesus really is God.”

  1. Pursue discipleship with fellow believers:

“I am now engaged in discipleship lessons the field team is conducting for me.”

Through your partnership, viewers in the Middle East are finding the support they need to count the cost and pursue Christ with their whole heart.

“After I found THE KINGDOM SAT, I called the field team who directed me to know the Truth in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Islam, there was no way for me to ask questions. But when I started reading the Bible with a searching heart, blindness fell off my eyes. Jesus’ words touched me deeply and took away the darkness. I found myself when I found Jesus.” — AHMED, MOROCCO

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