Christian Living
Redefining 'Blessed'
Nov 1, 2019

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Jesus' teachings of the Sermon on the Mount were as shocking to His first-century audience as they are today. They grate against the natural bent of our sinful hearts, against the "wisdom" of this broken world. In fact, when you read through the beatitudes, you may think, "Is this really the way to happiness and joy?"

Watercolor of mountain range

True contentment comes from knowing Jesus.

But true contentment comes from knowing Jesus, and knowing Jesus leads us to live according to His rule, that we might be truly blessed.

Take some time to reflect on the ways that the Sermon on the Mount is challenging you in this season.

  • Have you been working tirelessly to earn acceptance before God, or do you come before Him empty, saying, "All I have is Christ"? Read Psalm 16.
  • Have you been living for your own pleasure, or are you mourning over the sin that offends the God you love? Read James 4:1-10.
  • Are you using your power and influence to promote yourself, or are you dying to self and using your power to humbly serve others? Read 1 Thessalonians 2:6-12.
  • Do you look for ways to get even or take advantage of someone's mistake, or do you choose to forgive and show kindness when people stumble? Read Matthew 18:21-35.

Lord, forgive me for living according to the world's wisdom rather than Yours. Help me follow Your way, and may the changes You manifest in me spark a revival for Your glory. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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