Global Work
THE KINGDOM SAT: Reaching the Most Restricted Region on Earth
Oct 1, 2021

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In 2005, God gave Dr. Youssef the vision. In 2009, the channel was launched. Twelve years later, the harvest is endless.

What would you do if you had the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel 24/7 to hundreds of millions of people in the most restricted region on earth? For twelve years, that’s exactly what Leading The Way’s KINGDOM SAT television channel has been doing—proclaiming the Truth of Christ into the heart of the Islamic world through Bible teaching programs in Arabic, French, and English. 

THE KINGDOM SAT is making disciples of the unreached and reaching countries traditionally closed to missionaries.


Born out of Dr. Youssef's vision to make Biblical Truth accessible in hard-to-reach places, THE KINGDOM SAT is making disciples of the unreached and reaching countries traditionally closed to missionaries. And as our media footprint continues to expand through Vision 2025, the number of people contacting our team is multiplying exponentially.

Stories like Muhammad's are common:

"THE KINGDOM SAT is my school where I spend time learning, praying, and reading the Word of God. Due to my fear of my Muslim community and the secret police, I have kept my faith hidden. But since I decided I need to get baptized, all of my hesitation has disappeared, and I called your team. I was so happy when you encouraged me to take this next step of getting baptized. What made me the happiest of all is that when I called your phone number, I heard someone with a Moroccan dialect on the other end of the phone! You are an answer to my prayers."

Through a strategic and effective ministry model, Leading The Way is able not only to share Christ with the lost through dynamic Bible teaching programs but also to disciple those who come to faith. Our on-the-ground field teams, made up of men and women scattered across the Muslim world, are uniquely equipped to respond to viewers' questions via phone, texting apps, and social media. These bold evangelists are daily leading people to Christ, walking alongside new believers, and even planting churches in the most restricted nations.

Our field team is continuing to connect with Muhammad, providing appropriate discipleship courses in order that he might grow in his newfound faith until he is able to join a local church. We are also praying for him, that the Lord would protect him and empower him to share Christ with his Muslim community.

Muhammad's story is not unique. He is one of many living in the Islamic world who now know and have experienced the Truth of Jesus Christ through our God-given ministry together.


Muhammad's story is not unique. He is one of many living in the Islamic world who now know and have experienced the Truth of Jesus Christ through our God-given ministry together—and they are not alone:

"Thanks to one of the programs on your channel, my husband had his spiritual questions answered and became a believer in Jesus Christ. Thanks to my husband, I also became a follower of Jesus. One day, we decided to call your channel. We were pleased to hear the voice of a Moroccan brother. We are now engaged in a discipleship group to grow in our faith."  – Aisha, Morocco

"Christ is true love and true life. I feel joy and happiness filling my soul as if I am born again."  – Fikry, Yemen

"In all circumstances, even the persecution I have faced, the Lord has given me strength when I was weak, encouragement when I was in trouble, victory when I was in trials." – Foudhil, Algeria

"THE KINGDOM SAT is the reason my life was turned upside-down. I was a complainer; I was full of anger; I didn't know why I existed or what God wanted me to do. I didn't even know how to speak with God. But thanks to your programs, I am a new person. I now know that Jesus is my Savior and the only one I can depend on. Please pray for my village. . . . May the Lord intervene to change the hearts of the people here."  – Isaac, South Sudan


During the pandemic, secular media stopped or paused production, whereas our team produced even more content—thanks to your partnership. As a result, the response to our KINGDOM SAT programs is growing more than ever before—and so is the diversity of our audience:

  • Viewer responses doubled in the second quarter of 2021 alone.
  • Programming is now 30% original content.
  • THE KINGDOM SAT aired 100+ LIVE broadcasts over the last year.
  • 50% of viewers are not Christians.
  • 1 in 3 viewers are Muslim.
  • The top countries reached are Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Yemen.

As Leading The Way presses on with its Vision 2025 goal of doubling the audience of THE KINGDOM SAT, may this underground revival in the Middle East draw many more souls into the Kingdom of God!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and partnership, which make this possible. 

Will you join us as we press on to reach the Muslim world with the message of Jesus?