Christian Living
Are You Ready
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 30, 2019
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Just like the disciples, most of us would like to know the exact day and time of Christ's return. Jesus, however, said that no one, not even He, knew this information. He did, however, tell us how we should live up until His return. We are to abide in Him and trust Him for the future. We are not to worry or become fretful. God is sovereign, and, even when it seems as though our world is coming apart, He is still in control.

Jesus told His disciples to take what they had learned from Him and teach it to the entire world.

We can look at the signs of our age and know His return is drawing near:

  • The political unrest in the Middle East continues to be front-page news. Each day we hear and read of growing strife in the region.
  • The economic future of the modern world is tied up in the Middle East. The unrest there will not end until Jesus returns and until God has established His throne.
  • There is an alarming increase of interest in Satanism around the world. Many believers turn a deaf ear to this subject and no longer pray against the enemy's power on earth.
  • The entertainment industry is including more and more occult language and anti-God situations in movies and television programs. Our minds are being bombarded with material that is in direct opposition to God's Truth and principles.

Are you ready for Christ's return? Most of us would answer yes! But have you taken time to tell someone else about God's saving grace? Jesus told His disciples to take what they had learned from Him and teach it to the entire world. God is preparing a place for us, but He also is continuing to draw men and women to Himself. Your life is a testimony to His eternal love and forgiveness. Let your prayer be to share His love with as many as possible before His return.

Prayer: Lord, give me an eternal perspective so that my life on earth will bring You much glory. Help me make use of every opportunity to share the Good News of Christ. May Your will be done! I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb" (Revelation 7:10).