Christian Living
Hope Inspired by Praise
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Oct 19, 2020

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Praise focuses our attention on the world of the Spirit—the heavenly, spiritual reality where He calls us to live and move. Praise brings joy to adverse circumstances. An amazing thing happens as we praise God for all He is and does. We see more clearly the Truth of His nature. We see that He is the unlimited, holy, eternal King. We see that He is all-knowing, all-wise, and all-powerful. We see Him as loving, merciful, and long-suffering.

When we come to God in praise and adoration, we also see more clearly the Truth about ourselves, including the Truth of our sinfulness and unworthiness. The more we grasp all that God is, the more we face all that we are not. The prophet Isaiah told us that those who hope in the Lord have their strength renewed and their energy restored (see Isaiah 40:28-31).

We become hopeful when we look at what God can do, not at what man has done.

But how do we acquire this hope? We become hopeful when we look at what God can do, not at what man has done. Hope wells up in us when we focus on the capabilities of God, not the weakness and inability of man. Hope springs up when we praise God for His perfection—recognizing and acknowledging and trusting in all that He is—rather than giving honor to the feeble attempts and less than perfect accomplishments of man.

If you're exhausted at the end of the day, shut yourself in for a while with God. Praise Him with every ounce of energy that remains in you. You'll be refreshed, not only mentally and emotionally, but physically. There's a special strength that is imparted to those who praise the Lord. This kind of strength gives you the power of hope to endure, to persevere, to outlast tough times. It gives you the power to intercede until God gives a breakthrough.

Prayer: Almighty, holy God, You are worthy of my praise. My hope is in You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you" (Psalm 33:22).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Empowered by Praise, Part 4: LISTEN NOW