Christian Living
Never Give up Your Loyalty
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
May 4, 2021

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Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26.

When Paul wrote his final letter to Timothy—perhaps his final letter to anyone—he was concerned about passing the Truth to the next generation. He writes, "Keep reminding God's people of these things" (2 Timothy 2:14).

God has entrusted His people with the Truth of His Word, and it is our job to pass it on to the next generation of believers.

What things did Paul have in mind? Biblical Truth. Paul understood that Satan is committed to obliterating the Truth of God's Word and replacing it with falsehood. Therefore, each one of us must be "a worker who . . . correctly handles the word of truth" (v. 15). We must be faithful in all we do, uphold the Truth in what we say, and obey the Lord in every way.

Here, Paul gives Timothy another set of word pictures to help him remember how to honor Christ and lead His people.

First, Paul tells Timothy he must be like a worker who does his "best to present [himself] to God as one approved" (2:15). A good worker is never ashamed of what he is doing because his mind and heart are attentive to his master's desires. As we work for the Lord, we must not be concerned with the opinions of other people, but only with the opinion of our Master. Loving others can never lead us to compromise the integrity of God's Word.

Second, Paul describes the home of a wealthy person, where "there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay" (v. 20). The owner of the house puts some of his vessels out on display for all to see, but the rusty tools and dirty buckets are kept out of sight. Those who speak the Truth, uphold the Truth, and live out the Truth are instruments of honor, but those who modify the Truth and water it down are instruments of dishonor.

Lastly, Paul urges Timothy to be God's obedient servant (see v. 24). Satan is forever trying to divide our loyalty, to have us offer partial obedience. But it is impossible to serve God part-way or to serve the Lord and something else. That's not loyalty at all; that's compromise. We must stand strong, not only for ourselves, but also for others, that we might together avoid Satan's traps.

God has entrusted His people with the Truth of His Word, and it is our job to pass it on to the next generation of believers. Our marching orders in this mission are clear: Never give up.

Prayer: God, may I live faithfully for You, seeking to please You above all and holding firmly to Your teaching. May my life serve to encourage others to do the same. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Don't Ever Give Up, Part 4: LISTEN NOW