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The Responsibility of Witnessing


August 17, 2020

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

We share the Good News and then the Holy Spirit takes over.

Christians are often relieved to learn they are not responsible for saving souls; that role is divine and not ours. Just as a witness is not responsible for the verdict, we are not held accountable for whether the people we invite to know Jesus accept that invitation.

A witness only tells his experience and then leaves the outcome up to the judge or jury. In the same way, we share the Good News and then the Holy Spirit takes over.

We share the Good News and then the Holy Spirit takes over.

What was most effective about the Samaritan woman’s testimony was the joy that overflowed from her changed heart. She went from being a woman who drew water in the heat of the day so that she could avoid contact with the townspeople to actively engaging everyone she knew to tell of her wonderful experience. Her simple testimony was highly effective. John 4:39 says, "Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, . . ."

Do you want God to use you more this year to witness to the wonder of His love, mercy, and grace? We must first start with confession of any sin in our own hearts and repentance. Worldwide revival must start with facing our own sin.

Pray that God will reveal to you any secret sin you may have rationalized or not yet dealt with. Ask for a pure heart so you can go forward with His work. Then go out into the workplace, the gym, the classroom, or wherever God has placed you and share the story that only you can tell—the story of how you came to know Jesus and all that He has done for you. Someone you know needs to hear it.

Prayer: God, I pray for a pure heart and a joyful spirit that I might be a witness for You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace" (Acts 20:24).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon Look Who Moved Out, Part 3: LISTEN NOW


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