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Exercise Your Faith

Spiritual Growth

July 25, 2023

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

We cannot grow spiritually when we place our confidence in our own efforts.

Read Philippians 3.

The moment you are born again by the Spirit of God, you are a new creation in Christ with an inescapable desire for spiritual growth. It’s a desire God calls every Christian to pursue because there is no end to knowing and becoming like Christ.

We cannot grow spiritually when we place our confidence in our own efforts.

In Philippians 3, Paul reminds us that we cannot grow spiritually when we place our confidence in our own efforts. That way leads to destruction (v. 19). Rather, to grow spiritually, we must "rejoice in the Lord!" (v. 1)—taking joy in Christ’s redemptive work and trusting the power of the Holy Spirit in us. How do we do this? We take steps of faith! Like Paul, we are to exercise the muscles of faith God has given us—stepping out in obedience as God leads. In so doing, we strive for the same prize Paul sought after with such passion: Jesus Christ Himself.

So, let us "press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of [us]" (v. 12). Let us forget what is behind and boast in Christ—the sure hope of glory. As we keep our eyes on Christ and obey Him with glad hearts, He will grow us in righteousness, prepare us for our citizenship in heaven, and lead us in abundant joy from here to eternity.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, work in me to grow my faith. Empower me to live a godly life that flows from deep rejoicing in God Almighty and the wonders of His love. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me" (Philippians 3:12).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef’s sermon It’s Contagious . . . Pass It On!, Part 5: LISTEN NOW


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