Evangelistic Celebration: Ireland
A Catalyst for Spiritual Awakening
On September 1 and 3, thousands converged on two packed arenas in Dublin, Ireland, and Belfast, Northern Ireland, to worship together and hear Dr. Michael Youssef preach the Gospel at Leading The Way’s Hope Ireland Evangelistic Celebrations.
Over the course of two nights, many made decisions for Christ and were moved by the proclamation of the Gospel in a region where only 1.5% of people are professing evangelical Christians. But perhaps the most incredible result of the Celebrations has been the long-term impact on the local church.
Churches in Ireland continue to share reports of spiritual revival sparked by both gatherings in Dublin and Belfast—transformative movements that continue today.
Lives Transformed in Ireland
I am so grateful that God would have people invest in Ireland. We feel you are here for such a time as this.
Strandtown, IrelandHope Ireland encouraged and uplifted me in my Christian walk, and I recommitted my life to Christ.
Castlereagh, IrelandI was so encouraged to witness the harvest at Hope Ireland and blessed to see so many give their lives to God.
Belfast, Ireland
Hope Ireland
Lasting Spiritual Fruit
Through your partnership, the Lord continues to do a deep work of spiritual renewal in Ireland following city-wide Celebrations in Dublin and Belfast.
Before the Celebration
Months before the Celebrations had even taken place, ministry leaders began reporting that people were already coming to Christ as a direct result of Leading The Way’s pre-Celebration training with their churches!
One Year Later
One year after Hope Ireland, Leading The Way’s UK Director Andrew Hawkins reports, “I have flown into Dublin almost a year later to witness what is happening at a church in Ireland. After the Celebration, they received an influx of new people which has since triggered multiple salvations, baptisms, and church growth. Hope Ireland was the spark that has ignited a fire in the church.
Hope Ireland
Watch Restream
Watch excerpts from Dr. Michael Youssef's message at Hope Ireland in Belfast.