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Dr. Chase Kuhn: Is Online Church Here to Stay?


Episode 43

June 16, 2020

By Dr. Jonathan Youssef

Candid conversations with Jonathan Youssef

Episode 43

Dr. Chase Kuhn: Is Online Church Here to Stay?

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Technology has helped believers stay connected during quarantine, with local churches streaming Sunday services and small groups connecting online. But once churches are fully re-opened and believers can meet in person, what is the role of online church services? 

In this episode of Candid, Dr. Chase Kuhn joins Jonathan Youssef to discuss the role of the digital church, as well as the Biblical model for local church bodies.    

Dr. Kuhn is the Director of the Centre for Christian Living and is a lecturer in Theology and Ethics at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is also a contributor to the Gospel Coalition and recently wrote an article on why church structures may be undermining the Gospel.  

If you have been struggling to understand the role of the local church and your place in it, you will not want to miss this episode.




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