Sheep Among Wolves
In June 2009, the Long family woke up to their worst nightmare. Their 23-year-old son, a private in the U.S.
Our Top Priority
We all have a role in spreading the Gospel message until the day of Christ’s return. Yet many of us…
Unashamed of Our Identity
Read Romans 1:1-7. The call to live loud for Christ, unashamed of the Gospel, is clear in Scripture. But how…
The Call to Be Unashamed
Read Romans 1:16. The key verse to understanding the entire epistle of Romans is found in Romans 1:16. Here, Paul…
Overcoming Insecurities
Is fear standing in your way of accomplishing great things for God? Do you pray for opportunities to share Christ…
There Is Power to Our Witness
In spite of the hostility and persecution all around them, the Thessalonians welcomed the Good News with the joy of…
Making a Difference
Only the Holy Spirit can change someone’s heart, but God is calling us to be a part of the process.
Standing Up
Have you ever been ashamed of the Gospel? It’s not something Christians like to admit, but we all have experienced…
A Tale of Two Cities
The Bible is a tale of two cities: the City of Man and the City of God. We can trace…

Come and See
Christ has called us to share the great news of the Gospel with others. In this episode, Dr. Youssef looks…