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31 Days to Courageous Obedience: An Exercise

Spiritual Growth

July 2, 2022

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

If God has truly given us everything we need to live for Him—what is holding us back?

"I wish I had the courage to . . . "

If God has truly given us everything we need to live for Him—what is holding us back?

If God has truly given us everything we need to live for Him—what is holding us back?


Bold. Wholehearted. Sold-out for Jesus. It’s the life we all want to live but so often don’t. Why not? Why don’t we share the Gospel with that loved one who desperately needs it? Why don’t we step out in faith on the path God has called us to? Why don’t we speak the Truth that is burning in our hearts?

We falter because we take our eyes off Christ. We allow fear and comfort to overrule obedience. But thanks be to God—as long as we have breath in our lungs, it’s never too late to live "with all boldness and without hindrance" (Acts 28:31). It’s never too late to speak up about Jesus, to restore broken relationships, to experience victory over sin, and to follow Jesus in obedience wherever He leads.


In what ways do you want to grow in courageous obedience to Christ? Go through this exercise with a friend, spouse, or Bible study group this month— and see what God does in and through you.

   1) CONFESS: 

What is one area in your life where you are reluctant to obey God?

   2) REMEMBER: 

Write down and memorize a verse from Scripture that will help you when you face temptation or opposition.

   3) ABIDE:

Set aside a special 5-10 minute period each day to pray specifically for the Holy Spirit’s help in this area, and then keep the conversation open throughout the day.

   4) OBEY: 

Ask God for opportunities to step out in obedience. And when He does, take it!

No matter what God is calling you to do, remember: He is worth it.

Do you have a testimony from the 31-Day Challenge? Share it with us!


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