Life of Jesus Christ
Make Room for Him
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Dec 6, 2021

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For some, Christmas is about cultural traditions and social obligations. The centrality of Christ in the Christmas season comes under attack from pluralistic, hedonistic, and materialistic societies. Christmas has quickly become a series of twinkling lights and sparkling presents with no inkling of the eternal Truth of Christ. In the midst of our cultural traditions and social obligations, do we make room?

For others, isolation is the focus of the season, and we find ourselves alone, struggling to find a sense of belonging. It seems that the most we can hope for is an uneventful evening. Maybe we will fill our time by gratifying our own desires or focusing on our work. Perhaps the time will be spent entertaining a looming feeling of regret. In these moments of isolation, do we make room?

The wonder of the Christmas story is this: God's power makes regular intrusions even when we make no room.

In the midst of that crowded city, the Messiah quietly came into the world. The streets were busy, the inns were full, the travelers were abuzz in the town, and God took on flesh. Can you imagine being in Bethlehem that night and missing this miracle?

The wonder of the Christmas story is this: God's power makes regular intrusions even when we make no room. No room in the inn? God still took on flesh. No room in your holiday traditions? God still calls to your heart. No room in society's agenda? The gift of God is still offered. No room in your isolation? The Savior still invites you to intimacy with Him.

God's plan continues even if we make no room for it. The awesome and the miraculous occur every day as He calls men and women from death to eternal life in Christ, and He wants us to experience these miracles. Do not crowd God out at Christmas. Open your heart, mind, soul, home, family, and traditions to God. Make room for Him—don't miss His miracles this Christmas and in the days to come.

Prayer: God, today I want to make room for You. I want You to be at the center of my heart and of all that I do this Christmas season. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon Make Room for Him So That He May Have Room for You: LISTEN NOW | WATCH NOW