Bible and Theology
God Is Our Guide
Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Feb 12, 2024
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Read Psalm 25:8-11.

Perhaps there's no question more frequently asked by believers than "Lord, what is Your will for my life?" We all want to know God's plans for our days and our years, to understand His purposes. 

I believe the Lord wants every one of His disciples to trust Him even when they don't understand what's going on.

When we go through seasons of uncertainty or significant transition, the question only grows in intensity. We have all wanted to know what we should do in matters of relationships, work, and ministry. And then some even go through life feeling that they have missed out on God's best for them—His perfect will for their life.

But God does not want us floundering in the turmoil of uncertainty and doubt. He does not want us paralyzed by fear; instead, He wants us to know His peace. And His peace will overwhelm your heart as you remember that our God is the God who overrules. When you think you have made a mistake, I pray that you will understand that the sovereign God can take even your mistakes and, in His economy, bring you to His perfect will—with just one requirement. To have peace as you seek to discern the Lord's will for your life decisions, all you need to offer God is your willing obedience. He will take care of the rest.

Perhaps things aren't turning out the way you imagined when you honestly sought to live in alignment with God's will. When you develop willing obedience, you will not waste a second doubting God's guidance or worrying about the next step. Here's a Youssef translation of a powerful promise: "If anyone is willing to obey God's will, that person will have discernment" (see John 7:17). As you seek to obey the Lord, He will be with you, leading, guiding, and shaping you. You can trust that He will honor your faith in His provision, love, and sovereignty.

I believe the Lord wants every one of His disciples to trust Him even when they don't understand what's going on. You can't learn this kind of trust from a book or sermon. You can't learn it from asking others, "What is God's will for my life?" You can only learn ever deepening trust in God by practicing willing obedience and growing in understanding of His sovereignty, holiness, and pattern of guidance. For, He uses our circumstances to make us more aware of His love and presence in our lives and to strengthen and prepare us for what comes next. Remember: God is sovereign, so nothing happens that has not already passed through His gracious hands.

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your guidance and grace. I want to follow You and humbly ask for Your wisdom and peace as I make decisions sincerely seeking Your will, which is that I be sanctified (1 Thessalonians 4:3). I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

"He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way" (Psalm 25:9).

Learn more in Dr. Michael Youssef's sermon series Discipleship 101: WATCH NOW