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Exercise: Fully Alive!

Obedience and Surrender

April 4, 2020

By Dr. Michael Youssef · 2M Read

What does it mean to live fully alive in Christ?

If you are a Christian, the Bible says that "the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you" (Romans 8:11). What a promise! Tragically, we often feel like we can make it through the day just fine on our own. But Christ didn’t put on flesh, live a sinless life, die a horrific death, and rise from the dead so that we could be nice people with average lives. No—Christ sacrificed His life for us and defeated death for us so that we could live fully "alive to God" (Romans 6:11)!

What does it mean to live fully alive in Christ?


What does it mean to live fully alive in Christ? Take some time to reflect on these Truths and surrender anew to the Holy Spirit—for He alone can transform you from death to life.

Living fully alive is enjoying unhindered fellowship with our heavenly Father. It’s living free from the tyranny of sin. It’s having joy unspeakable, even if the world is falling apart around us. It’s finding confidence in our eternal future, no matter what we’re facing in the present day. Glory to God for this new life He has given us!


God longs for us to live a life yielded to His Spirit. Are you living in the fullness of life that His Son died to give you? Allow Him to search your heart today.

Identify the individual statements that best describe the way you are currently living. Celebrate your victories while also asking for God’s help in your areas of weakness.


  • Doing my own thing
  • Yielded to the Holy Spirit
  • Flipping through the Bible occasionally
  • Immersed in God’s Word
  • Praying only when I need something
  • Enjoying ongoing fellowship with God
  • Trying not to sin
  • Joyfully pursuing righteousness
  • Living in my comfort zone
  • Stepping out in faith
  • Engaging with God when I feel like it
  • Serving others

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